7 days to die how to rest
7 days to die how to rest

7 days to die how to rest

Around 20 or so more have been added directly to the AIO that cant be made into Modlets due to them needing certain bits of code from the AIO so would cause Conflicts. Some of His Original Modlets that were used to create this AIO are as follows.

7 days to die how to rest 7 days to die how to rest

What this Mod is about, This Mod changes around 90% of the Total game Mechanics in the sense of Code, It adds many weapons All of which have been bought from various stores to try to get the best looking and playing Mod he can manage, Its constantly being worked on and improved and should always be kept upto date with the latest version of the main core game, The AIO also adds many Blocks and Different items that require abit more learning in order to understand how it all works, A good example of this is the main weapons are no longer repaired using the default repair kits but instead use 4 Custom made varients that are crafted on the player to do with each type of gun.

7 days to die how to rest